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Restaurants and Café - Cleethorpes area NE Lincs.
- Indigos Restauarant -
Indigos, Indian restaurant. Market Street, Cleethorpes.
submit 25/07/2001
- Regans -
Qality and value dining out, freshly cooked meals and a friendly atmosphere.
- Steels CornerHouse -
A Fish & Chip Restaurant in the centre of Cleethorpes, they also have a wider menu but are well known for their fish.
submit 20/10/2011
- The Seaway Restaurant and Takeaway -
The Largest Fish and Chip Restaurant and Takeaway in the North East, based in Cleethorpes.
submit 09/09/2001
Todays thought - In a negotiation, he who cares less, wins.
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