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Religion grimsby

Grimsby Baptist Church Grimsby

  • Grimsby Baptist Church
    View a Map for the location of Grimsby Baptist Church
    Grimsby Baptist Church, an evangelical church who believe that, through the scriptures they have come to see their need for forgiveness, and have experienced God's love, Laceby Road, Grimsby.; divine inspiration, authority and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures unity of the Godhead, comprising of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to whom equal honour is due Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of the eternal Father: who became truely man, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary who died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sin of the world who ascended to the right hand of God where he serves as the only mediator between God and men who will come again to receive His people to Himself and establish His Kingdom The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit to bring about the new birth and to enable the believer to live a new life The ordinances of Baptism by immersion of those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord's Supper as being instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ The resurrection of the body: the judgement of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, with the eternal joy of those made righteous through our Lord Jesus Christ and the eternal punishment of the unrighteous

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18/09/2009 21:36:40 4472